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Rabu, 27 April 2011

biodata guru bahasa inggris

Name: Tri Buana Lestari
Class: 3easo4
Birth: Bekasi 3 des 2010
Address: jl. Wijaya Kusuma no.33
Motivation to study English :
I love English since I was a kid in other to increase my enlish ability, I keep studying English.
Budi Darma Elementary school
Junior high school of bekasi 4
Senior high school of bekasi 12
Experience in English teaching:
I was teaching in ELP narogong. It was my first time to teach, I throuhgt only 8 mounth. There’s so many memoriam but of course I also have bad memories of teaching.According to me, the most difficult thing in teaching is to make the children stay calm.
nama: Yus Irwan
NPM: 18210797

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